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邵逸夫简介英文(Introduction to So Yuet-fung)


Introduction to So Yuet-fung

Early Life

So Yuet-fung, better known as Sir Run Run Shaw, was born in 1907 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. His family moved to Hong Kong when he was a child, and he grew up in a large family in the Kowloon area. He attended primary school in Hong Kong and then moved to Shanghai to attend secondary school.

Career in Film and Television

In 1924, So Yuet-fung and his elder brother Runme Shaw established Tianyi Film Company in Shanghai, which quickly became one of the biggest film studios in China. After the Japanese occupation of Shanghai in 1937, the Shaw brothers moved their operations to Hong Kong where they formed Shaw Brothers Studio. The studio produced numerous award-winning films, becoming a major player in the Hong Kong film industry. In 1967, Sir Run Run Shaw established the television station TVB, which became a pioneer in the television industry in Hong Kong. He was also a major philanthropist, donating millions to various causes, including education and healthcare.

Legacy and Influence

Sir Run Run Shaw's contributions to the film and television industry in Hong Kong are immeasurable. His influence can be seen in countless films and television shows produced in the region, and his legacy continues through the Shaw Prize, an international award recognizing achievements in three areas: astronomy, life sciences and medicine, and mathematical sciences. Beyond his impact on the entertainment industry, Sir Run Run Shaw's philanthropic efforts have had a significant impact on education and healthcare in Hong Kong and beyond. He has donated millions to universities, hospitals, and other organizations, contributing to the betterment of society as a whole. In conclusion, Sir Run Run Shaw was a visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist who left an indelible mark on Hong Kong and the world. His contributions to the film and television industry, as well as his philanthropic efforts, will continue to inspire generations to come.
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