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导语:滕王阁序的逐字逐句翻译第一段:序言登高临远,自古以来,皆有此志。Moreover, 临兵听军,窥豹听犬,是吾师也。Thechangesofthehumannaturemakepeoplecontinueto...



登高临远,自古以来,皆有此志。 Moreover, 临兵听军,窥豹听犬,是吾师也。 The changes of the human nature make people continue to pursue higher achievements and greater goals. 今我来瞻千载之高,登崇山之巅,为盼清风,解佩纷纭。该作品是对滕王阁所发生过的人事物的一段评价。因此,化然自得,聊以解忧,喜之至也。(I climb to the top of the mountain in order to enjoy fresh air and a view from a thousand feet. However, I also come here to find peace of mind by reflecting on my personal achievements and identify the way I shall live now and in the future. Through my visit to this site, I aspire to share with you all the insights I will gain as a result of my journey.)



嗟乎!时运不齐,命途多舛。Of all days on which one rises atop the world, how few lead to happiness! e贵州有神女淳化、法华,释之空梵志后,浮山绛阙,梯山旧铜,都是文雄巨作,不可胜数。 The ancient mountains and rivers are standing in front of me. From here, I can see ancient temples, steep cliffs, winding rivers, and towering trees. This is the beauty of life shown in its purest form thanks to the flourishing of life seen everywhere. My heart is filled with profound emotions while admiring the scenery, and I can hardly conceal my tears.



人生在世,不称意者十有八九。 However, there are always people who never feel satisfied with what they have achieved in their lives. 披卢山之白雪,皎洁可鉴;连芳的香气,由远及近,弥漫于四周;而我却只有坐在这里沉思自省,思虑不断,目光不停,听着风的声音和鸟儿的叫声,想用心灵感受最美好的人生。All the things I’ve done before have been in the pursuit of happiness rather than what truly makes me happy. So I decided to take some time to slow down and think about what has brought me to this point in my life. What are my goals and aspirations? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What do I want to do differently going forward? As I reflect, I come to realize that happiness lies not in achievement, but in struggling and fighting with all our hearts.

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