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美国常用英文名字 男(Popular American Names for Boys)


Popular American Names for Boys

America is a diverse country, and this diversity is reflected in the names parents choose for their children. Here are some of the most popular names for boys in America.

Traditional Names

Traditional names have been in use for centuries and are still popular today. William, James, and John are some of the most common traditional names for boys. These names have been popular in America for generations, and they have strong meanings and associations. William means \"resolute protector,\" James means \"supplanter,\" and John means \"God is gracious.\"

Other popular traditional names for boys include David, Michael, and Matthew. These names have been consistently in use for decades and are classic choices for parents who want a timeless name for their child.

美国常用英文名字 男(Popular American Names for Boys)

Modern Names

Modern names are becoming more popular in America, as parents want to give their children unique identities. Some modern names for boys include Aiden, Ethan, and Liam. These names have only become popular in the past few decades, and they are often associated with pop culture and trends.

美国常用英文名字 男(Popular American Names for Boys)

Other modern names for boys include Mason, Noah, and Jackson. These names are often used as surnames, and they have a trendy, modern feel to them.

Creative Names

Some parents prefer to choose names that are creative or unusual. These names can be inspired by nature, mythology, or even fictional characters. Some creative names for boys include Phoenix, Orion, and Atlas. These names have unique meanings and associations, and they can make a child feel special.

Other creative names for boys include Brave, Rebel, and Hunter. These names have a strong, masculine feel to them, and they can be a reflection of a parent's values or aspirations for their child.

美国常用英文名字 男(Popular American Names for Boys)

In conclusion, there are many options for parents choosing a name for their son in America. Whether they choose a traditional name with strong meaning, a modern name with a pop culture twist, or a creative name with a unique association, the name can help define a child's identity and shape their future.

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