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英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation)


2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation

Introduction: The English CET-4 (College English Test-4) is an important English proficiency test for Chinese college students. The translation test is one of the key components of the exam. In this article, we will summarize the translation test questions from the past three years and provide some analysis and tips for test-takers.

英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation)

英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation)

2019 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions

Question 1: 把握质量、安全和效益三者的平衡,是我国发展医药产业的重要指导思想。请翻译这句话。

Question 2: 极端气候事件的集中爆发,给澳大利亚的自然生态和人类生存带来沉重的影响,与此同时,对全球气候变化的影响也越加凸显。请翻译这句话。

英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation)

Analysis: The first question requires the translation of a sentence about China's pharmaceutical industry. The key phrases to pay attention to are \"把握质量、安全和效益三者的平衡\" (grasping the balance between quality, safety, and efficiency) and \"发展医药产业的重要指导思想\" (important guiding ideology for the development of the pharmaceutical industry). In the second question, the focus is on extreme weather events in Australia and their impact on both the country's ecology and human survival, as well as the global climate change issue. It's important to convey the gravity of the situation in the translation.

2020 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions

Question 1: 疫情发生以来,习近平总书记多次就疫情防控工作发表重要讲话。请翻译这句话。

英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation)

Question 2: 坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,是我国全面建成小康社会的重要内容。请翻译这句话。

Analysis: In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was at the forefront of everyone's minds, and it was reflected in the translation test questions. The first question requires the translation of a sentence about General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches on epidemic prevention and control work. The second question focuses on poverty alleviation in China, a major initiative in the country's efforts to achieve a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Both questions require careful attention to detail and an understanding of the context and implications of the sentences.

英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(2019-2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions Compilation)

2021 English CET-4 Translation Test Questions

Question 1: 电商平台的快速发展,对优化营商环境、推动经济转型升级起到重要作用。请翻译这句话。

Question 2: 全球经济合作是从合作共赢的角度出发,加强各国利益的共同体。请翻译这句话。

Analysis: The first question requires the translation of a sentence about the important role of e-commerce platforms in optimizing the business environment and promoting economic transformation and upgrading. The key phrase to pay attention to is \"推动经济转型升级\" (promoting economic transformation and upgrading). The second question focuses on global economic cooperation and the concept of win-win cooperation. The word \"共同体\" (community) is a key term to translate accurately. Both questions require a good understanding of the vocabulary and context to provide a clear and precise translation.

Conclusion: Translation is a complex and important component of the English CET-4 exam. To excel in the translation test, test-takers should pay attention to details, have a good understanding of vocabulary and grammar, and carefully consider the context and implications of the sentences. With practice and determination, anyone can improve their translation skills and achieve success on the exam.

上一篇:神武论坛四不像(四不像——神武论坛上的奇葩们) 下一篇:一览化纤英才网招聘(一览化纤英才网招聘:高薪职位等你来)