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easily修饰形容词吗(Can Easily Modify Adjectives)


Can Easily Modify Adjectives?


easily修饰形容词吗(Can Easily Modify Adjectives)

easily修饰形容词吗(Can Easily Modify Adjectives)

Adjectives are one of the fundamental components of any language. They play an important role in describing the characteristics of a noun or pronoun. In many cases, we may want to modify adjectives according to the context in which they are used. However, the question is, can we easily modify adjectives? In this article, we will explore this topic and shed some light on it.

Factors affecting the ease of modifying adjectives

easily修饰形容词吗(Can Easily Modify Adjectives)

When it comes to modifying adjectives, several factors play a crucial role in determining the ease or difficulty of the task. Some of the factors are:

  • The type of adjective
  • The degree of intensity
  • The syntax of the sentence

Types of adjectives: There are two types of adjectives, namely attributive and predicative adjectives. Attributive adjectives are placed before the noun they modify, while predicative adjectives are placed after the linking verb. It is generally easier to modify attributive adjectives since they are closer to the noun.

easily修饰形容词吗(Can Easily Modify Adjectives)

Degree of intensity: Adjectives can be modified to show different degrees of intensity. For example, we can modify the adjective 'hot' in the following ways:

  • Hot
  • Vey hot
  • Extremely hot
  • Scorching hot

As the degree of intensity goes up, the complexity of modifying the adjective increases too.

easily修饰形容词吗(Can Easily Modify Adjectives)

Syntax of the sentence: Adjectives used in different sentence structures may present different difficulties in terms of modification. For example:

  • That is a hot soup.
  • The soup is hot.

It is generally easier to modify the adjective in the second sentence, as it has a simpler sentence structure.

Techniques for modifying adjectives

Here are some techniques for modifying adjectives easily:

  • Using adverbs - Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. We can use adverbs to modify adjectives and show different degrees of intensity.
  • Using comparative and superlative forms - Comparative and superlative forms are used to compare two or more objects in terms of their attributes. We can modify adjectives using comparative and superlative forms.
  • Using different sentence structures - As discussed earlier, the syntax of the sentence is crucial in terms of modifying adjectives. By using different sentence structures, we can modify adjectives easily.
  • Using synonyms - Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. We can use synonyms to modify adjectives and bring nuances to the meanings.


Modifying adjectives is essential for effective communication. While adjectives can be easily modified in some cases, in other cases, it may require considerable effort. Understanding the factors affecting the ease of modifying adjectives and techniques for modifying them can make the task more manageable.


  • Nunan, D. (1999). Second language teaching and learning. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Nakagawa, H., Okada, R., & Izumi, S. (2017). Interference from similar languages and the role of the language teacher. In Teaching and Learning English in East Asia (pp. 35-50). Springer, Singapore.

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