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我的初中生活英语作文带翻译(My Middle School Life)


My Middle School Life

First Stage: Fitting In

Adjusting to a new school can be tough, but for me, it was even harder. I had just moved to a new city and found myself in a completely different environment. It took some time, but eventually, I found my place. I made new friends and started to feel more comfortable in my surroundings.

Second Stage: Exploring

In the middle of my middle school years, I started to become more curious about the world around me. I joined various clubs and groups, from the science club to the debate team. I also started to explore different types of music, movies, and books. This was a time of discovery and self-exploration for me.

Third Stage: Moving On

As my middle school years came to an end, I knew that it was time to start thinking about the future. I began to think about my high school goals and what I wanted to achieve in my future career. It was also a time of bittersweet goodbyes as I said farewell to some of my closest friends who were moving away. 我的初中生活 第一阶段:适应 适应新环境可能很难,但对我来说更加困难。我刚刚搬到一个新城市,发现自己置身于一个完全不同的环境中。经过一些时间,我最终找到了自己的位置。我交了新的朋友,开始在周围感到更加舒适。 第二阶段:探索 在我的初中时期中间,我开始变得更加好奇我身边的世界。我加入了各种俱乐部和团体,从科学俱乐部到辩论队。我也开始探索不同类型的音乐、电影和书籍。这是一个自我发现和探索的时期。 第三阶段:继续前行 随着我的初中年龄的结束,我知道是时候开始思考未来了。我开始思考我的高中目标,以及我想在未来的职业生涯中实现什么。这也是一个苦涩的告别时刻,因为我要和一些最亲密的朋友告别,他们要搬走了。
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