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ride的现在分词和三单形式(Riding The Present Participle and Third Person Singular Forms)


Riding: The Present Participle and Third Person Singular Forms

The Present Participle Form of Riding

Riding is primarily the act of sitting on or straddling a horse or other animal and directing its movement. The present participle form of riding is \"riding.\" It is formed by adding \"-ing\" to the base form of the verb \"ride.\" This form is used to describe an ongoing action or state of being. For example, \"He was riding his horse through the forest\" or \"She enjoys riding in the countryside.\" The present participle form of riding can also be used as a verbal noun, called a gerund. It can function as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence. For example, \"Riding on horseback is a popular recreational activity\" or \"She likes the feeling of riding.\"

The Third Person Singular Form of Riding

The third person singular form of riding is \"rides.\" It is used to describe a single person, animal, or thing performing the action of riding. For example, \"He rides his horse every morning\" or \"She rides her bike to work.\" When used in the present tense, the third person singular form of riding requires the use of the auxiliary verb \"does\" in negative, interrogative, or emphatic sentences. For example, \"He does not ride his horse in the rain\" or \"Does she ride her bike on weekends?\" In the past tense, the third person singular form of riding is \"rode.\" It is used to describe a single person, animal, or thing that performed the action of riding in the past. For example, \"He rode his horse to the top of the hill\" or \"She rode her bike across the country.\"


In conclusion, the present participle form of riding is \"riding,\" while the third person singular forms of riding are \"rides\" in the present tense and \"rode\" in the past tense. These forms are essential for describing the ongoing or completed action of riding in both spoken and written English. By practicing and mastering these forms, English learners can become more proficient in using them in their daily communication.
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