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降落伞英文缩写(Parachute Abbreviations Understanding the Lingo of Skydiving Equipment)


Parachute Abbreviations: Understanding the Lingo of Skydiving Equipment


For many individuals, the world of skydiving remains a mystery shrouded in excitement and danger. While some may be content to simply enjoy the thrill of a parachute jump, others may be interested in understanding the terminology that surrounds the equipment used in such jumps. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the abbreviations used in the world of parachute equipment.

The Abbreviations

Many abbreviations are used in reference to parachute equipment. These can be confusing, especially for novice jumpers. Below are some common abbreviations and their meanings:


Automatic Activation Device – this device is designed to automatically deploy the parachute in the event that the jumper is unable to do so.

DZ –

Drop Zone – the designated location were skydivers land after completing their jumps.


Reserve Static Line – this device is used to ensure that the reserve parachute deploys in case of a malfunction during the deployment of the main parachute.


Angle of Attack – this term refers to the angle at which air flows over the parachute, and can affect the stability and performance of the parachute.

G-Force –

gravitational force that a skydiver experiences while jumping. This force can impact the deployment and performance of the parachute.


Understanding the various abbreviations used in the world of skydiving can be overwhelming, but it is important to become familiar with them for safety reasons. As with all aspects of skydiving, seeking guidance from experienced instructors is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. As you become more familiar with the terminology and equipment, the exhilaration of a successful parachute jump can become an even greater joy.
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