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飞机推出英语怎么说(How to Say Airplane Pushback in English)


How to Say \"Airplane Pushback\" in English?


Airplane pushback is an important procedure during the departure phase of a flight. It involves the use of a specialized vehicle, known as a pushback tug, to move an aircraft backwards from the gate, allowing it to taxi out to the runway. In this article, we will explore the different phrases and expressions used in English to describe this process.

Common Terminology

In the context of aviation, the act of moving an airplane backwards is known as pushback. The pushback tug, which is a small vehicle equipped with a tow bar, is the main tool used to perform this maneuver. Moreover, the personnel responsible for operating the tug and guiding the aircraft are referred to as ground crew or ramp agents. Other related terms include: - Pushback tractor - Aircraft tow - Airport ramp operations - Gate departure - Aircraft taxiing


When communicating pushback instructions, pilots and ground personnel use a standardized phraseology to avoid misunderstanding and confusion. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established a set of recommended terms and procedures for this purpose. Here are some examples: - \"Ground, this is flight XXX requesting pushback at gate YYY.\" - \"Flight XXX cleared to pushback.\" - \"Pushback approved, facing north.\" - \"Pushback complete, brakes set.\" - \"Engine start approved, notify when ready for taxi.\" It is worth noting that some airlines and airports may use slightly different terminology, but the general principles remain the same. In conclusion, the process of airplane pushback is a critical component of air travel that requires careful coordination and communication between the ground crew and the flight crew. By using the appropriate terminology and adhering to established procedures, everyone can work together safely and efficiently.
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